News upto 2010
Jul 2, 2009
OOps.. updated the code of the max importer with an older version, and replaced it by a merge of a worse one. Code on the side is now updated and was verified against World of Warcraft models from the 2.4.3 client. Sorry for the inconvenience. In addition I published the source and the demo of a navigation mesh implementation based on Greg Snook's navmesh code from Game Programming Gems I. The demo can be started as a webstart demo (tested on windows only thought).
Jun 08, 2009
OOps.. updated the code of the max importer with an older version. Code on the side is now updated.
Mar 03, 2009
It took some time to update this site, sometimes the real world kicks in. As from some guys requested I have updated the code of the WoW importer 3 for Max to the changes of the 2.x client version. As the nebula device is making progress towards its third release I have choosen a different path. As most of my real life work is centered more on java than c++ I have switched from nebula to jmonkey engine for my futile coding contests. The reason behind all this is very simple, you can accomplish more in less time with better tools. I finally missed many features from the eclipse environment. And beeing able to create editors for whatever you plan based on eclipse plugins comes for free on the java side. The open source support on nebula is somewhat lacking. That's it, my best wishes for the future of nebula, perhaps our path will cross in the future.
Aug 12, 2007
Added some short notes on the mangalore database file while working on the Myty Empires. Follow the link if would like to know more about the workings behind the world.db3 file in the Mangalore section.
May 28, 2007
 Have been heavy in work on the round based strategy board game based
on mangalore again. The realm now gets created in a setup game handler class, the selection of
your starting tile is working including the creation of your surrounding realm content. Next stuff I have started and
which is also nearly finished is the army reorganization menu. While working on this I have
experienced the advantages of using cegui for your graphical user interface so I'll drop the usage of the nebula gui and mangalore gui elements.

Accessing mangalore's entities and changing colors or other rendering variables proved to e not working, neither by using render context variables, nor directly on the loaded resource. Perhaps this is due to the fact I'm working on a somewhat older radonlabs release and not the community code. Next stuff to come is the unit placement on tiles and the next game handlers responsible for subsistance, scouting, movement and battles.
During the work on the project the nebuladevice forum was opened and many questions you might have on mangalore or nebula should be answered there. It's definitely worth looking.
Another thing I suggest looking if you are interrested in mangalore is the official developer diary of radonlabs for their next roleplaying game release Drakensang.
Mar 07, 2007
Posted an update to the World of Warcraft max script, which has been updated by Arthur for max 9. You can get the WoW Importer script source in the diverse section.
Feb 12, 2007
Finished the translation of a nebula2 tutorial on the nGUI system. You can read about it in the Nebula 2 nGUI System in the nebula articles section. The original german pdf can be found here http://users.informatik.uni-halle.de/~bugdoll/nebula2/handout.pdf
Jan 26, 2007
Been working on the mangalore 3D gui comming with the mangalore sdk for my troop selection in-game menu. You can read about my efforts here. Next thing I will work on is the nebula sky editor for which I have found some documentation from the original developer. In addition there is some documentation of the radonlabs created ngui system in nebula in german which I will try to translate. ngui should cover most of your needs for in game menus. And I will be going to explain how to bridge the gap between mangalore entities an nebula gui element to display in game informmation. So stay tuned.
Something missing? Mail to
 | 2009-06-01 WoW Importer for Max |
The World of Warcraft tool for 3D Studio has been updated. It now converts model files from WoW Client version 2.x (upto 2.7) and displays correct animations for multi mesh models. The script can be found here.... |
 | 2007-03-07 nGUI explained |
If you ever wanted some more details on the nebula2 nGUI System you can find it in the nGUI System article. |
 | 2006-10-17 Mangalore entity ID's |
If you need information about the mangalore entity ID usage have a look here.. |
 | 2006-08-06 Mangalore Articles |
Added a new section about the mangalore game framework from radonlabs. The section contains some articles about my experience with mangalore. Read more here: |
 | 2006-03-10 Free models |
Finally some free models for the Radonlabs SDK. You can download them here. | |