3D links
general links
Flipcode All about game programming
Gamasutra All about pro game development
GameDev All kind of ressources for game developers
Romka Graphics A very good tutorial site with sourcecode and demos for openGL and other 3D stuff
opengl sites
glVelocity OpenGl engine with .obj loader
Neon Helium THE recommended tutorials site for OpenGl programming
3D engines
The Nebula Device A top quality 3d engine for free
The Nebula Device community page All information about the current nebula engine
Torque Engine A top quality 3d engine for about 100 $
Genesis 3D A bit dated but very good features and tools
3D Modelling Software
Milkshape 3D A FREE 3D Modeller with many export plugins
Something missing? Mail to
| 2009-06-01 WoW Importer for Max |
The World of Warcraft tool for 3D Studio has been updated. It now converts model files from WoW Client version 2.x (upto 2.7) and displays correct animations for multi mesh models. The script can be found here.... |
| 2007-03-07 nGUI explained |
If you ever wanted some more details on the nebula2 nGUI System you can find it in the nGUI System article. |
| 2006-10-17 Mangalore entity ID's |
If you need information about the mangalore entity ID usage have a look here.. |
| 2006-08-06 Mangalore Articles |
Added a new section about the mangalore game framework from radonlabs. The section contains some articles about my experience with mangalore. Read more here: |
| 2006-03-10 Free models |
Finally some free models for the Radonlabs SDK. You can download them here. | |