-- Script to import M2 files found in the mpq files of world of warcraft
-- into GMax or 3d studio max. The script loads vertices with uv coords
-- and submeshes as found in the M2 file. Textures are not loaded but can be
-- assigned in a later step manually. The submeshes are created with dummy cubes
-- as bones for skinning.
-- Place me in 3dsmax7\stdplugs\stdscripts\
-- restart 3ds max, find WOW menu on main menu bar
-- If menu item don't work normaly or do not exists use RunScript button from MaxScript menu and run this scipt file.
-- UI work and animation bug fixed by me (aka DeLazarus), April 2006.
-- Modifications was tested only on 3ds max 7
-- Some models imports v. Be brary slowly. Be brave :)
-- Injoy!
--global filename = "c:\\tmp\\Horse.m2" --HighElfMale_Warrior.m2" --Ghoul.m2"
global filename = "D:\\mpq\\cauldron\\PlagueCauldronActive.m2"--"D:\\mpq\\succubus\\Succubus.m2" --HighElfMale_Warrior.m2" --Ghoul.m2"
-- there are no any warrnings of situation like this: LoadAnimation=true LoadBones=false, UI must work over this
-- and btw some models do not load if bones are not loaded. That is why I froze its check box
global LoadBones = true
global LoadAnimation = false
global head
global bstream
global step
global verts_read
global views_read
global view_inds_read
global view_tris_read
global bones_read
global name_read
global sequences_read
global animations_read
fn InitLoader =
verts_read = #()
views_read = #()
view_inds_read = #()
view_tris_read = #()
bones_read = #()
name_read = ""
sequences_read = #()
animations_read = #()
struct WOW2_Header
--nG Magic1 ofsG Magic2
struct WOW2_Vertex
struct WOW2_Views
nindex,ofsnindex, ntris,ofsntris,nverts,ofsnverts,
ind,tri -- loaded vert and tri index
-- nAnimations
struct WOW2_Animations
-- the actual animation info used for different animation types
struct WOW2_Anim
-- bones including animation data
struct WOW2_Bones
struct WOW2_BoneWeightIndex
( cnt,bw,bi
-- one submesh part with its verts stored in vs, faces in fs, textures in ts
-- and boneidexweights in bs, bones holds bone raw data
struct WOW2_Submesh
struct WOW2_Texture
struct WOW2_Texturefile
-- type:
--0 Texture given in filename
--1 Body + clothes
--2 Cape
--6 Hair, beard
--8 Tauren fur
--11 Skin for creatures
fn echo msg =
format "%\n" (msg) to:listener
fn ReadFixedString bstream fixedLen=
local str = ""
for i = 1 to fixedLen do
str += bit.intAsChar (ReadByte bstream #unsigned)
fn SkipBytes bstream count=
local unknown
case count of
2: unknown = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
4: unknown = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
for i = 1 to count do
unknown = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
fn LongToString num=
local str = ""
for i = 1 to 4 do
str += bit.intAsChar (bit.and num 0xff)
-- num = bit.shift num -8
num /= 256
fn WOW2_Open fname =
bstream = fopen fname "rb"
head = WOW2_Header ()
fn WOW2_Close =
step = "Close"
fclose bstream
fn WOW2_Read_Header =
if head == undefined or bstream == undefined then
echo "Nothing to read"
format "reading\n" to:listener
step = "Read header"
head.magic = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
echo ("4cc: "+(LongToString head.magic))
head.version = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
echo ("Version: "+(LongToString head.version))
head.namelen = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("Name len:"+ (head.namelen as string))
head.ofsname = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("Name offs:"+ head.ofsname as string)
head.un1 = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo (LongToString head.un1)
--echo ("before glob ftell: "+(ftell bstream) as string)
head.nGlobalSequences = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("Global seq:"+head.nGlobalSequences as string)
head.ofsGlobalSequences = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("Global seq ofs:"+ head.ofsGlobalSequences as string)
--echo ("before anims: "+(ftell bstream) as string)
head.nAnimations = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("Anims :"+ head.nAnimations as string)
head.ofsAnimations = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("Anims ofs:" + head.ofsAnimations as string)
head.nC = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo (LongToString head.nC)
head.ofsC = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("ofsC:" + head.ofsC as string)
head.nD = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo (LongToString head.nD)
head.ofsD = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("ofsD:" + head.ofsD as string)
head.nBones = ReadLong bstream
--echo ("Bones:"+head.nBones as string)
head.ofsBones = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("Bones ofs:"+head.ofsBones as string)
head.nF = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("nF:" + head.nF as string)
head.ofsF = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("ofsF:" + head.ofsF as string)
--echo ("before verts ftell: "+(ftell bstream) as string)
head.nVertices = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("Vertices:"+head.nVertices as string)
head.ofsVertices = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("Vertices of:"+head.ofsVertices as string)
head.nViews = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("Views:"+head.nViews as string)
head.ofsViews = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("ofsViews:"+head.ofsViews as string)
head.nG = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
head.ofsG = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("ofsG:"+head.ofsG as string)
head.nTextures = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("Textures:"+head.nTextures as string)
head.ofsTextures = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("ofsTex:"+head.ofsTextures as string)
head.nH = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
head.ofsH = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("ofsH:"+head.ofsH as string)
head.nI = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
head.ofsI = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("ofsI:"+head.ofsI as string)
head.nJ = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
head.ofsJ = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("ofsJ:"+head.ofsJ as string)
head.nK = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
head.ofsK = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("ofsK:"+head.ofsK as string)
head.nX = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
head.ofsX = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("ofsX:"+head.ofsX as string)
head.nBoneGroups = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
head.ofsBoneGroups = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
echo ("BoneGroups:"+head.nBoneGroups as string)
head.nTexLookup = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("TexLookup:"+head.nTexLookup as string)
head.ofsTexLookup = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("ofsTexlkup:"+head.ofsTexLookup as string)
head.nL = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
head.ofsL = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("ofsL:"+head.ofsL as string)
head.nM = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
head.ofsM = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("ofsM:"+head.ofsM as string)
head.nN = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
head.ofsN = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
---echo ("ofsN:"+head.ofsN as string)
head.n14floats = undefined
for i = 1 to 14 do
undef = ReadFloat bstream
head.nBoundingTriangles = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
head.ofsBoundingTriangles = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("ofsBoundTri:"+head.ofsBoundingTriangles as string)
head.nBoundingVertices = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
head.ofsBoundingVertices = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("ofsBoundingVerts:"+head.ofsBoundingVertices as string)
head.nBoundingNormals = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
head.ofsBoundingNormals = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("ofsBoundNormals:"+head.ofsBoundingNormals as string)
head.nO = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
head.ofsO = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("ofsO:"+head.ofsO as string)
head.nP = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
head.ofsP = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("ofsP:"+head.ofsP as string)
head.nQ = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
head.ofsQ = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("ofsQ:"+head.ofsQ as string)
head.nR = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
head.ofsR = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("ofsR:"+head.ofsR as string)
head.nS = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
head.ofsS = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("ofsS:"+head.ofsS as string)
head.nT = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
head.ofsT = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("ofsT:"+head.ofsT as string)
head.nU = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
head.ofsU = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("ofsU:"+head.ofsU as string)
head.nV = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
head.ofsV = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
--echo ("ofsV:"+head.ofsV as string)
echo "---- Header finished ----"
fn WOW2_Read_Name =
step = "Read Name"
if (fseek bstream head.ofsname #seek_set ) then
name_read = (ReadFixedString bstream head.namelen)
echo name_read
echo "unable to read name"
fn WOW2_Read_Verts =
step = "Read Verts"
if (fseek bstream head.ofsVertices #seek_set ) then
step = "Read verts prep"
for i=1 to head.nVertices do
local vert = WOW2_Vertex ()
local v4 = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
local v3 = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
local v2 = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
local v1 = [0.0,0.0]
v4.x = ReadFloat bstream
v4.y = ReadFloat bstream
v4.z = ReadFloat bstream
vert.pos = v4
vert.bw1 = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
vert.bw2 = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
vert.bw3 = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
vert.bw4 = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
vert.bi1 = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
vert.bi2 = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
vert.bi3 = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
vert.bi4 = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
v3.x = ReadFloat bstream
v3.y = ReadFloat bstream
v3.z = ReadFloat bstream
vert.normal = v3
v2.x = ReadFloat bstream
v2.y = ReadFloat bstream
v2.z = 0.0 --is empty (0.0)
vert.uv = v2
v1.x = ReadFloat bstream
v1.y = ReadFloat bstream
vert.n2floats = v1
append verts_read vert
-- echo ("Verts read: " + verts_read.count as string )
echo "unable to read vertices"
fn WOW2_Read_Views =
step = "Read Views"
if (fseek bstream head.ofsViews #seek_set ) then
for i=1 to head.nViews do
local view = WOW2_Views ()
view.nindex = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
view.ofsnindex = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
view.ntris = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
view.ofsntris = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
view.nverts = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
view.ofsnverts = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
view.nsubmesh = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
view.ofsnsubmesh = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
view.ntextures = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
view.ofsntextures = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
view.unknown1 = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
append views_read view
step = "Read Views Mod 3"
if((mod (view.ntris) 3) != 0.0 )then
echo (" View["+i as string+"].ntris is not a multiple of 3!")
if false then --i == 1 then
( echo ("\nView nind : "+view.nindex as string)
echo ("View ofsind : "+view.ofsnindex as string)
echo ("View ntris : "+view.ntris as string)
echo ("View ofsntris : "+view.ofsntris as string)
echo ("View nverts: "+view.nverts as string)
echo ("View ofsnverts : "+view.ofsnverts as string)
echo ("View nsubm : "+view.nsubmesh as string)
echo ("View ntex : "+view.ntextures as string)
echo "unable to read views"
step = "Read View index lists"
--load tri and vert index lists
for i=1 to views_read.count do
local ind = #()
local tri = #()
step = "Read View index"
if (fseek bstream (views_read[i].ofsnindex) #seek_set ) then
for j = 1 to views_read[i].nindex do
local x = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
append ind x
views_read[i].ind = ind
echo "unable to read view indices"
step = "Read View faces"
if (fseek bstream views_read[i].ofsntris #seek_set ) then
for j= 1 to views_read[i].ntris do
local x = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
append tri x
views_read[i].tri = tri
echo "unable to read view faces"
fn WOW2_Read_Bone_Groups =
bonegroups = #()
--echo ("bonegroups:"+head.nBoneGroups as string)
if (fseek bstream head.ofsBoneGroups #seek_set ) then
for i = 1 to head.nBoneGroups do
local id = (ReadShort bstream)
--echo ("bonegroupID:"+id as string)
append bonegroups id
return bonegroups
fn WOW2_Create_Bones bonearr =
step = "Bone creation"
-- previous bone must have been created
for i = 1 to bonearr.count do
Dummy position:(bonearr[i].pivot) isSelected:on name:(bonearr[i].max_name)
$.boxsize = [0.1,0.1,0.1]
--$.pos.controller = TCB_position ()
$.rotation.controller = Local_Euler_XYZ ()
--$.scale.controller = TCB_scale ()
if (bonearr[i].parentbone >= 0) then
$.parent = getNodeByName \
(bonearr[(bonearr[i].parentbone + 1)].max_name) \
-- read bone animation data frames
-- bone arrays should be already filled
-- @param filled WOW2_Bones array
-- @TODO finish this function
fn WOW2_CreateBoneScaleAnim ba =
if ba.scale.frames > 0 then
step = "Framesoffset reading"
if (fseek bstream ba.scale.framesofs #seek_set ) then
local t = #()
local maxx = 0
local x = 0
currobj = getNodeByName (ba.max_name) exact:true
step = "Reading Translation frames"
for j = 1 to ba.scale.frames do
append t (ReadLong bstream )
if t[j] > maxx then
maxx = t[j]
step = "Dataoffset reading"
if (fseek bstream ba.scale.dataofs #seek_set ) then
--echo ("max Anim ="+maxx as string)
step = "Reading Translation data"
animationRange = interval 10 maxx
with animate on
for j = 1 to ba.scale.data do
--step = "1"
local v3 = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
v3.x = (ReadFloat bstream )
v3.y = (ReadFloat bstream )
v3.z = (ReadFloat bstream )
--step = "2"
if( j > 1 ) then -- let him to create start keys himself
addNewKey currobj.scale.controller t[j]
currobj.scale.controller.keys[j+1].value = currobj.scale.controller.keys[1].value
in coordsys local
at time (t[j])
currobj.scale = v3
echo "Failed to read bstream start for bone translation frames"
echo "Failed to read bstream start for bone translation data"
-- read bone animation data frames
-- bone arrays should be already filled
-- @param filled WOW2_Bones array
-- @TODO finish this function
fn WOW2_CreateBoneTransAnim ba =
if ba.trans.frames > 0 then
step = "Framesoffset reading"
if (fseek bstream ba.trans.framesofs #seek_set ) then
local t = #()
local maxx = 0
local x = 0
currobj = getNodeByName (ba.max_name) exact:true
step = "Reading Translation frames"
for j = 1 to ba.trans.frames do
append t (ReadLong bstream )
if t[j] > maxx then
maxx = t[j]
step = "Dataoffset reading"
if (fseek bstream ba.trans.dataofs #seek_set ) then
--echo ("max Anim ="+maxx as string)
step = "Reading Translation data"
animationRange = interval 10 maxx
with animate on
for j = 1 to ba.trans.data do
--step = "1"
local v3 = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
v3.x = (ReadFloat bstream )
v3.y = (ReadFloat bstream )
v3.z = (ReadFloat bstream )
--step = "2"
if( j > 1 ) then
addNewKey currobj.pos.controller.X_position.controller t[j]
addNewKey currobj.pos.controller.Y_position.controller t[j]
addNewKey currobj.pos.controller.Z_position.controller t[j]
currobj.pos.controller.X_position.keys[j+1].value = currobj.pos.controller.X_position.keys[1].value
currobj.pos.controller.Y_position.keys[j+1].value = currobj.pos.controller.Y_position.keys[1].value
currobj.pos.controller.Z_position.keys[j+1].value = currobj.pos.controller.Z_position.keys[1].value
in coordsys local
at time (t[j])
currobj.pos = v3
echo "Failed to read bstream start for bone translation frames"
echo "Failed to read bstream start for bone translation data"
-- read bone animation data frames
-- bone arrays should be already filled
-- @param filled WOW2_Bones array
-- @TODO finish this function
fn WOW2_CreateBoneRotateAnim ba =
if ba.rot.frames > 0 then
step = "Framesoffset reading"
if (fseek bstream ba.rot.framesofs #seek_set ) then
local t = #()
local maxx = 0
local x = 0
currobj = getNodeByName (ba.max_name) exact:true
step = "Reading Rotation frames"
for j = 1 to ba.rot.frames do
append t (ReadLong bstream )
if t[j] > maxx then
maxx = t[j]
step = "Dataoffset reading"
if (fseek bstream ba.rot.dataofs #seek_set ) then
--echo ("max Anim ="+maxx as string)
step = "Reading Rotation data"
animationRange = interval 10 maxx
with animate on
for j = 1 to ba.rot.data do
--step = "1"
local v3 = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
local deg = 0
local q = quat deg v3
q.x = (ReadFloat bstream )
q.y = (ReadFloat bstream )
q.z = (ReadFloat bstream )
q.w = (ReadFloat bstream )
--step = "2"
local b = (quatToEuler q)
if b.x > 360 or b.y > 360 or b.z > 360 then
echo ("oversized:"+q as string + " = "+ (quatToEuler q) as string)
if( j > 1 ) then
addNewKey currobj.rotation.controller.Local_X_Rotation.controller t[j]
addNewKey currobj.rotation.controller.Local_Y_Rotation.controller t[j]
addNewKey currobj.rotation.controller.Local_Z_Rotation.controller t[j]
currobj.rotation.controller.local_x_rotation.keys[j+1].value = currobj.rotation.controller.local_x_rotation.keys[1].value
currobj.rotation.controller.local_y_rotation.keys[j+1].value = currobj.rotation.controller.local_Y_rotation.keys[1].value
currobj.rotation.controller.local_z_rotation.keys[j+1].value = currobj.rotation.controller.local_Z_rotation.keys[1].value
in coordsys local
at time (t[j])
currobj.rotation = q
--echo "-----------#########------------------"
echo "Failed to read bstream start for bone rotation frames"
echo "Failed to read bstream start for bone rotation data"
fn WOW2_Create_BoneAnimations ba =
for i = 1 to ba.count do
step = "Compare of Data and Frame counts"
if ba[i].trans.frames != ba[i].trans.data then
echo ("Translate frames not even on bone #" + i as string)
WOW2_CreateBoneTransAnim (ba[i])
if ba[i].rot.frames != ba[i].rot.data then
echo ("Rotate frames not even on bone #" + i as string)
WOW2_CreateBoneRotateAnim (ba[i])
if ba[i].scale.frames != ba[i].scale.data then
echo ("Scale frames not even on bone #" + i as string)
if ba[i].scale.frames > 0 then
echo ("bone scaling found on bone "+ ba[i].max_name)
WOW2_CreateBoneScaleAnim (ba[i])
-- read bone animation information
-- ofsets and types for the animations
-- identical for scale, rotate, translate
-- the final data is found starting at dataofs
-- expects the bstream pointer to be at the correct position
-- @see WOW2_ReadBones
-- @return A filled WOW2_Anim structure
fn WOW2_Read_BoneAnim =
local a = WOW2_Anim ()
a.type = (ReadShort bstream )
a.flags = (ReadShort bstream )
a.linetypes = (ReadLong bstream )
a.linetypeofs = (ReadLong bstream )
a.frames = (ReadLong bstream )
a.framesofs = (ReadLong bstream )
a.data = (ReadLong bstream )
a.dataofs = (ReadLong bstream )
return a
fn WOW2_Read_Bones =
step = "Read Views"
if ( head.nBones <= 0 ) then -- static models do not have bones
echo "--model without bones !"
return true
local bonearr = #()
if (fseek bstream head.ofsBones #seek_set ) then
for i = 1 to head.nBones do
step = ("Reading Bone #"+ i as string)
local bone = WOW2_Bones ()
local piv = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
bone.geosetanim = (ReadLong bstream )
bone.flags = (ReadShort bstream )
bone.unknown0 = (ReadShort bstream )
bone.parentbone = (ReadShort bstream ) -- -1 or bone # (0 is first)
bone.geoset = (ReadShort bstream )
step = ("Reading Bone #"+ i as string + " anims")
bone.trans = WOW2_Read_BoneAnim ()
bone.rot = WOW2_Read_BoneAnim ()
bone.scale = WOW2_Read_BoneAnim ()
piv.x = (ReadFloat bstream )
piv.y = (ReadFloat bstream )
piv.z = (ReadFloat bstream )
bone.pivot = piv
bone.max_name = ("bone_"+ i as string + "_" + bone.flags as string)
step = ("Appending Bone #"+ i as string)
append bonearr bone
echo "unable to read bones"
join bones_read bonearr -- add bones to global bones array
--WOW2_Read_Bone_Groups () -- not needed at the moment
WOW2_Create_Bones bonearr
return bonearr
fn WOW2_Create_Faces sm view =
step = "Init"
sm.fs = #() -- faces
sm.vs = #() -- verts
sm.ts = #() -- uvs
sm.bs = #() -- boneindexweight per vertex
--step = "Create Faces"
sm.bones = #() -- bones
--echo ("t ofs "+(sm.oftri as string)+" tot tris: "+(sm.tris as string))
--if (fseek bstream (view.ofsntris + sm.oftri) #seek_set ) then
--local done = 0
local up = sm.tris as integer -1
--echo ("/3 check :"+((up+1)/3) as string + " mod "+(mod (up+1) 3)as string)
if((mod (up+1) 3) != 0.0 )then
echo "#ERROR sm.tris not a multiple of 3!"
-- else
-- echo "#INFO sm.tris check passed!"
local ofs = sm.oftri as integer
--echo ("oftri = "+ ofs as string)
for i=1 to (up) by 3 do
step = "Create Faces" +(i as string)
local a = view.tri[(ofs+ i)] + 1
local b = view.tri[(ofs+ i +1)] + 1
local c = view.tri[(ofs+ i +2)] + 1
step = "Create Faces erg lookup " + a as string + \
" " + b as string + " "+ c as string + " "
-- echo ([a,b,c])
local erg = ([(view.ind[a] + 1),(view.ind[b] + 1),\
(view.ind[c] + 1)] as point3 )
--echo "-----------------------------------------------"
--echo (erg as string)
step = "Create Faces f append"
append sm.fs [(i),(i+1),(i+2)] --erg
-- echo ([(i),(i+1),(i+2)] as string)
step = "Create Faces v append"
append sm.vs verts_read[erg.x].pos
append sm.vs verts_read[erg.y].pos
append sm.vs verts_read[erg.z].pos
step = "Create Faces t append"
append sm.ts verts_read[erg.x].uv
append sm.ts verts_read[erg.y].uv
append sm.ts verts_read[erg.z].uv
step = "Collect bones"
local belms = #() -- bone id's used by this submesh
-- @TODO create a copy & paste less solution for boneweights and index reading
local xw = WOW2_BoneWeightIndex ()
local yw = WOW2_BoneWeightIndex ()
local zw = WOW2_BoneWeightIndex ()
xw.bw = #()
xw.bi = #()
xw.cnt = 0
yw.bw = #()
yw.bi = #()
yw.cnt = 0
zw.bw = #()
zw.bi = #()
zw.cnt = 0
if (verts_read[erg.x].bi1 >= 0 and verts_read[erg.x].bw1 > 0) then
-- count from 0 so add 1 for max
append belms (verts_read[erg.x].bi1 + 1)
append xw.bi (verts_read[erg.x].bi1 + 1)
append xw.bw verts_read[erg.x].bw1
xw.cnt = xw.cnt +1
if (verts_read[erg.x].bi2 >= 0 and verts_read[erg.x].bw2 > 0) then
append belms (verts_read[erg.x].bi2 + 1)
append xw.bi (verts_read[erg.x].bi2 + 1)
append xw.bw verts_read[erg.x].bw2
xw.cnt = xw.cnt +1
if (verts_read[erg.x].bi3 >= 0 and verts_read[erg.x].bw3 > 0) then
append belms (verts_read[erg.x].bi3 + 1)
append xw.bi (verts_read[erg.x].bi3 + 1)
append xw.bw verts_read[erg.x].bw3
xw.cnt = xw.cnt +1
if (verts_read[erg.x].bi4 >= 0 and verts_read[erg.x].bw4 > 0) then
append belms (verts_read[erg.x].bi4 + 1)
append xw.bi (verts_read[erg.x].bi4 + 1)
append xw.bw verts_read[erg.x].bw4
xw.cnt = xw.cnt +1
append sm.bs xw
if (verts_read[erg.y].bi1 >= 0 and verts_read[erg.y].bw1 > 0) then
append belms (verts_read[erg.y].bi1 + 1)
append yw.bi (verts_read[erg.y].bi1 + 1)
append yw.bw verts_read[erg.y].bw1
yw.cnt = yw.cnt +1
if (verts_read[erg.y].bi2 >= 0 and verts_read[erg.y].bw2 > 0) then
append belms (verts_read[erg.y].bi2 + 1)
append yw.bi (verts_read[erg.y].bi2 + 1)
append yw.bw verts_read[erg.y].bw2
yw.cnt = yw.cnt +1
if (verts_read[erg.y].bi3 >= 0 and verts_read[erg.y].bw3 > 0) then
append belms (verts_read[erg.y].bi3 + 1)
append yw.bi (verts_read[erg.y].bi3 + 1)
append yw.bw verts_read[erg.y].bw3
yw.cnt = yw.cnt +1
if (verts_read[erg.y].bi4 >= 0 and verts_read[erg.y].bw4 > 0) then
append belms (verts_read[erg.y].bi4 + 1)
append yw.bi (verts_read[erg.y].bi4 + 1)
append yw.bw verts_read[erg.y].bw4
yw.cnt = yw.cnt +1
append sm.bs yw
if (verts_read[erg.z].bi1 >= 0 and verts_read[erg.z].bw1 > 0) then
append belms (verts_read[erg.z].bi1 + 1)
append zw.bi (verts_read[erg.z].bi1 + 1)
append zw.bw verts_read[erg.z].bw1
zw.cnt = zw.cnt +1
if (verts_read[erg.z].bi2 >= 0 and verts_read[erg.z].bw2 > 0) then
append belms (verts_read[erg.z].bi2 + 1)
append zw.bi (verts_read[erg.z].bi2 + 1)
append zw.bw verts_read[erg.z].bw2
zw.cnt = zw.cnt +1
if (verts_read[erg.z].bi3 >= 0 and verts_read[erg.z].bw3 > 0) then
append belms (verts_read[erg.z].bi3 + 1)
append zw.bi (verts_read[erg.z].bi3 + 1)
append zw.bw verts_read[erg.z].bw3
zw.cnt = zw.cnt +1
if (verts_read[erg.z].bi4 >= 0 and verts_read[erg.z].bw4 > 0) then
append belms (verts_read[erg.z].bi4 + 1)
append zw.bi (verts_read[erg.z].bi4 + 1)
append zw.bw verts_read[erg.z].bw4
zw.cnt = zw.cnt +1
append sm.bs zw
step = "unique bones"
--echo ("belms:" + belms.count as string)
for elm = 1 to belms.count do
if ((finditem sm.bones belms[elm]) == 0) then
append sm.bones belms[elm]
echo (getCurrentException())
throw ()
-- echo "done"
-- only sort this one :-)
sort sm.bones
step = "new"
-- set sm.bs[i].bi (bone index) to the index of the bone in sm.bones
-- for all boneindex/weight pairs in this submesh
for i = 1 to sm.bs.count do
( -- for all bone indices for this vertex
for j = 1 to sm.bs[i].bi.count do
-- assign the index by lookup of the global index
-- number in the local bones index array
sm.bs[i].bi[j] = findItem sm.bones (sm.bs[i].bi[j])
-- max uses weights from 0.0 to 1.0 WOW uses 0 to 255
sm.bs[i].bw[j] = (sm.bs[i].bw[j] / 255.0)
--echo ("MAX WEIGHT IS:"+maxbW as string)
--sm.vs = v
--sm.fs = f
--sm.ts = t
--sm.bones = bones
sm --f
fn WOW2_Create_Submeshes view =
step = ("Create Submesh "+ view as string )
if (fseek bstream views_read[view].ofsnsubmesh #seek_set ) then
for i=1 to views_read[view].nsubmesh do
local sm = WOW2_Submesh ()
sm.id = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
-- echo ("sm.id "+ sm.id as string)
sm.ofsvert = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
-- echo ("sm.ofsvert "+ sm.ofsvert as string)
sm.nverts = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
-- echo ("sm.nverts "+ sm.nverts as string)
sm.oftri = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
-- echo ("sm.oftri "+ sm.oftri as string)
sm.tris = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
-- echo ("sm.tris "+ sm.tris as string)
sm.unkown1 = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
sm.unknown2 = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
sm.unknown3 = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
sm.unknown4 = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
local p = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
p.x = ReadFloat bstream
p.y = ReadFloat bstream
p.z = ReadFloat bstream
sm.n3floats = p
if true then --sm.id != 0 then
-- local vs = #()
--vs = WOW2_Create_Verts sm views_read[view]
-- local ts = #()
--ts = WOW2_Create_Faces sm views_read[view]
WOW2_Create_Faces sm views_read[view]
-- local uvs = #()
--uvs = WOW2_Create_UV sm views_read[view]
--step = "out"
--echo ("bones count on sm#"+ i as string +" is "+ sm.bones.count as string)
--local outstr = "bones: "
--for bcnt = 1 to sm.bones.count do
-- outstr = outstr + (sm.bones[bcnt] as string) + " "
--echo (outstr)
--echo (sm.vs.count)
--echo (sm.bs.count)
--echo (sm.ts.count)
--for i= 1 to uvs.count do
-- echo (uvs[i] as string)
--for i= 1 to ts.count do
-- echo (ts[i] as string)
step = "mat"
local skinMaterial = standardMaterial name:(name_read +"_"+view as string +"_"+i as string)
step = ("Mesh init ")
local theMesh = undefined
theMesh = mesh vertices:(sm.vs) faces:(sm.fs) \
name:(name_read +"_"+view as string +"_"+i as string) \
material:skinMaterial tverts:(sm.ts)
echo (getCurrentException())
throw ()
step = "Build tv's"
--Set texcoord faces (so user just needs to load a converted skin PCX file)
buildTVFaces theMesh false
for i = 1 to sm.fs.count do
--local tcVert = sm.fs[i]
-- echo ((sm.ts[(sm.fs[i].x)]) as string)
-- echo ((sm.ts[(sm.fs[i].y)]) as string)
-- echo ((sm.ts[(sm.fs[i].z)]) as string)
-- echo (sm.fs[i] as string)
setTVFace theMesh i (sm.fs[i])
update theMesh
echo (getCurrentException())
throw ()
step = "Build Skin"
if (head.nBones > 0 and theMesh != undefined and sm.bones.count > 0) then
( step = "Skin prepare"
max modify mode
select theMesh
subObjectLevel = 0
local newskin = Skin()
addModifier theMesh newskin
local mysk = theMesh.modifiers[#Skin]
subobjectLevel = 1
modPanel.setCurrentObject theMesh.modifiers[#Skin]
subobjectLevel = 1
step = "Add "+ sm.bones.count as string + " bones to submesh"
for i = 1 to sm.bones.count do
step = ("AddBone " + i as string)
local bone = (getNodeByName bones_read[sm.bones[i]].max_name exact:true )
--skinOps.addBone newskin bone 0
skinOps.addBone theMesh.modifiers[#Skin] bone -1
update theMesh
step = ("Set Vertex weights for " + theMesh.name)
-- NEVER delete this, the lines will update the vertex cache of the skin object it seems
-- if this lines are omitted the vertex count will be 0 and an exception will be thrown
-- on adding data to the first vertex
throwaway = theMesh.numverts
for i = 1 to sm.bs.count do
if sm.bs[i].cnt > 0 then
skinOps.setVertexWeights theMesh.modifiers[#Skin] \
i (sm.bs[i].bi) (sm.bs[i].bw)
subObjectLevel = 0
deselect theMesh
echo (getCurrentException())
throw ()
update theMesh
--sm = undefined
--return 0
)-- if sm.id != 0
fn WOW2_Read_Meshes =
step = "Read Meshes"
for viewcnt = 1 to 1 do --views_read.count do
--read indices to verts and tris of view
WOW2_Create_Submeshes 1
-- read nGlobalSequences into sequences_read
-- @sideeffect global array sequences_read is filled
fn WOW2_Read_GlobalSequences =
echo ("Sequences:"+head.nGlobalSequences as string)
if (fseek bstream head.ofsGlobalSequences #seek_set ) then
for i = 1 to head.nGlobalSequences do
append sequences_read (ReadLong bstream )
-- read nAnimations into animations_read
-- @sideeffect global array animations_read is filled
fn WOW2_Read_Animations =
if (fseek bstream head.ofsAnimations #seek_set ) then
for i = 1 to head.nAnimations do--
local anim = WOW2_Animations ()
anim.bbox = #()
anim.animid = (ReadLong bstream )
anim.startseq = (ReadLong bstream )
anim.endseq = (ReadLong bstream )
anim.speed = (ReadFloat bstream )
anim.unknown1 = (ReadLong bstream )
anim.unknown2 = (ReadLong bstream )
anim.unknown3 = (ReadLong bstream )
anim.unknown4 = (ReadLong bstream )
anim.unknown5 = (ReadLong bstream )
for j = 1 to 6 do
append anim.bbox (ReadFloat bstream )
anim.radius = (ReadFloat bstream )
anim.unknown6 = (ReadShort bstream )
anim.unknown7 = (ReadShort bstream )
append animations_read anim
fn MainFunc =
if objects.count > 0 then
echo "--Cleaning Scene--"
select objects
delete $
--if false then
echo ("--Start--")
echo ("Trying read Name")
if( LoadBones ) then
echo ("Trying read bones")
echo ("Trying read verts" )
echo ("Trying read views")
echo ("Trying read Meshes")
--echo "--Sequences--"
-- WOW2_Read_GlobalSequences()
--echo "--Animations--"
if( LoadAnimation ) then
WOW2_Create_BoneAnimations bones_read
echo "--Model loaded--"
--deselect *
format "-- Failed in \n"
echo( step )
-- to:listener
if bstream != undefined then WOW2_Close()
macroScript OpenWow2ImportFloater category:"WOW"
rollout WoW2_Import_Roll "WoW2_Import" width:250
button theButton "Open file dialog..." width:240
Label lbl "...or enter name manualy:"
edittext edrit "" labelOnTop:true fieldwidth:240 height:36
label tl1 "\n"
checkbox cbLoadBones "Load bones" checked:false triState: 0 enabled:false
checkbox cbLoadAnimation "Load animation" checked:false triState: 0
label tl21 "\n"
fn CheckCB ch =
if( LoadBones == false ) then
LoadAnimation =false
on cbLoadBones changed ch do
LoadBones = ch
CheckCB ch
on cbLoadAnimation changed ch do
LoadAnimation = ch
label tl2 ""
button gogo "Import it NOW"
fn CheckFile fname =
local fs = getFileSize fname
if( fs > 0 ) then
gogo.enabled = true
tl2.text = ""
tl2.text = "File name is Incorrect"
gogo.enabled = false
on WoW2_Import_Roll open do
edrit.text = (filename as string)
CheckFile filename
cbLoadAnimation.checked = LoadAnimation
cbLoadBones.checked = LoadBones
CheckCB ch
on theButton pressed do
local f = getOpenFileName types:"Wow model(*.m2)|*.m2|All|*.*|" caption:"Open A Test File:" filename:edrit.text
filename = f + ""
edrit.text = filename
on edrit changed newtext do
CheckFile newtext
if( gogo.enabled ) then ( filename = newtext )
on gogo pressed do
CheckFile filename
if( gogo.enabled ) then
if( MainFunc () == false ) then
messagebox "IMPORT FILED. Look MAXScript listener for details"
on isChecked do WoW2_Import_Roll.open --return true if rollout is open
on execute do createDialog WoW2_Import_Roll
on closeDialogs do destroyDialog WoW2_Import_Roll
WowMenu = mainMenuBar.findMenu "WOW"
if( WoWMenu != undefined) then
menuMan.unRegisterMenu WowMenu
WowMenu = undefined
if menuMan.registerMenuContext 0x1aa76d7d then
-- Get the main menu bar
local mainMenuBar = menuMan.getMainMenuBar()
-- Create a new menu
local subMenu = menuMan.createMenu "WOW"
-- create a menu item that calls the sample macroScript
local testItem = menuMan.createActionItem "OpenWow2ImportFloater" "WOW"
testitem.setUseCustomTitle true
testitem.setTitle "Open importer"
-- Add the item to the menu
subMenu.addItem testItem -1
-- Create a new menu item with the menu as it's sub-menu
local subMenuItem = menuMan.createSubMenuItem "WOW" subMenu
-- compute the index of the next-to-last menu item in the main menu bar
local subMenuIndex = mainMenuBar.numItems() - 1
-- Add the sub-menu just at the second to last slot
mainMenuBar.addItem subMenuItem subMenuIndex
-- redraw the menu bar with the new item